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Diabetes awareness event helps over 100 people in Halifax

Over 100 people joined us at a Type 2 diabetes awareness event at the Staying Well Hub, at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre, on Tuesday 23 May. This was in support of Type 2 diabetes prevention week where local people learned about diabetes, got health checks and gained awareness of the many ways a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Dr Robyn Rendle and Anila Qamreen speak to people at the event
Dr Robyn Rendle and Anila Qamreen of our Tandustri project, speak to people at the event

Organised by NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), the event featured a stall from Diabetes UK offering information on how a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and live well with the disease.

Diabetes health checks were available from Reed Wellbeing, who provide the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme service, with people able to learn their risk of developing diabetes on the day using the Healthier You online tool.

Nearly every person attending the event had their blood pressure checked by Eshaan Akhtar, Care Coordinator with Halifax Central Primary Care Network, and healthy cooking and wellbeing advice was given by members of the Tandrusti Community Group (Tandrusti means health in Urdu), which is a project commissioned by NHS West Yorkshire ICB in Calderdale to support the South Asian community in central Halifax in becoming healthier and happier through small and manageable lifestyle changes.

Dr Robyn Rendle, a GP at Hebden Bridge GP practice, who spoke to people at the event around the causes and effects of diabetes, said:

“As a GP with a specific interest in diabetes, it’s great to speak to people at community events like this and help to educate people about the dangers of diabetes.

“Many of the people we spoke to either didn’t speak English as a first language, or didn’t speak it at all, so face-to-face community events like this are so valuable in communicating the fact that diet and lifestyle can have a huge impact on our health, particularly when it comes to reducing the risks of developing diabetes.

“Today’s event’s been brilliant in raising awareness of the importance of eating well, portion control and maintaining an active lifestyle, and I hope it can make a big difference to the lives of people in local communities.”

Rob Gibson, Diabetes Programme manager for the NHS West Yorkshire ICB in Calderdale, said:

“Five million people in the UK are living with diabetes, and one million people could be living with diabetes who are yet to be diagnosed.

“Today we’ve spoken to people from the local South Asian community and refugees and people seeking asylum, and they’ve left with a far greater awareness of the dangers of diabetes and practical tips to help them lead a healthier lifestyle.

“We’ve welcomed over 100 people today, but the impact of this event will go further and wider to their friends, family and loved ones. That’s the real value of face-to-face events like this where we’re able to engage with people, and I look forward to doing it again.”

Research shows the Healthier You programme has reduced diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in England, saving thousands of people from its potentially serious consequences. You can check your risk today online: riskscore.diabetes.org.uk

If you are living with type 2 diabetes, access free online NHS information and advice with the Healthier Living programme: healthyliving.nhs.uk

Eshaan Akhtar, care coordinator at Central Halifax Primary Care Network, talks about positive changes you can make to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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This article was shared by Calderdale Cares: https://www.calderdalecares.co.uk/2023/06/12/diabetes-awareness-event-helps-over-100-people-in-halifax/

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