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A Place for Local People

and Businesses

to Grow

There are lots of groups, programmes and activities that support the local community at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre.

We are based in an industrial estate on Hanson Lane, Halifax. Many people visit to get information about career and training opportunities, learn English language and gain wellbeing support. The site is also an enterprise centre, where businesses work from industrial units.

Industrial Units Available to Rent at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre

There’s so many reasons to bring your business to Hanson Lane.

Get in touch today.

Phone: 01422 347392

Email: reception@regen.org.uk

Industriual Unit to rent in Halifax at Hanson Lane Enterprise Centre

The Apna Staying Well Hub

The Hub is a welcoming space for all communities to visit and attend weekly events and activities, with a focus on building social connections, enhancing wellbeing and creating positive change.

At the Hub, we host a rolling and growing programme of activities, which currently include:

Explore our community space and get involved! 

View our activities calendar for more information about groups and times.

Opportunities For You


Find Meaningful Work

We put you at the centre of our focus so we understand how to help you reach your employment goals.


Lead a Fuller Life

Gain wellbeing advice, guidance and support for a healthier, happier life and stronger community.

Inclusive Integration - hero OR FEATURED IMAGE

Integrate in Your Community

Settle into your new community and integrate with local people through ESOL, citizenship and learning new skills.


Start or Grow Your Business

From start-up to seasoned pro, we have flexible workspaces that support your business growth goals.

Opportunities For You

Activities and Groups

Each week we run a range of activities, groups and classes so you have the opportunity to get to where you want to be. Use the filter below to find the activity that suits you.

The Outback and Calderdale Cancer Aware teams

The Outback Community Kitchen & Garden

Employment team and Citizens Advice Calderdale

Employment Team

Employment Team and Calderdale CAB

Employment Team


Staying Well

Staying Well

Staying Well

Staying Well

Community Organisers

Calderdale Cancer Aware

The Outback

The Outback


Calderdale Cancer Aware

Staying Well

Community Organisers

The Outback

The Outback

The Outback

The Outback

The Outback Community Kitchen & Garden

Employment Team

Staying Well

Staying Well

The Outback

Staying Well

Staying Well

The Outback

The Outback

The Outback and Calderdale Cancer Aware teams

Employment team and Citizens Advice Calderdale

Employment Team

Employment Team and Calderdale CAB

Staying Well

No activities on this day. Keep checking.

Things we do for you

and your community

We know that sometimes the opportunities you’re looking for can’t be easily unlocked, which is why we work with you to understand your aspirations and challenges, so together we can find a solution. Because of this we have lots of other services and we work with a number of local groups, organisations and other charities that form a support network.

At most of the places we are based you can speak to someone or get information on services that support you with:

Accessing a Computer

Things Happening at Home

Making Doctors, Hospital or Bank Appointments

Debt or Finance

Health Related Issues

Latest News & Stories

We have lots of news and information to share with you about HOT, what we’re up to and the people we work with. Click on a heading below to learn more…